TLWI Dev #114

Welcome to this week's edition of our newsletter! We have an exciting lineup of topics to share with you, so let's jump right in.

First up, we have Neural Networks: Zero to Hero. This is a must-read for anyone looking to gain a deeper understanding of neural networks. Whether you're a beginner or have some experience, this article will take you on a journey from the basics to more advanced concepts.

Next, we have 5 principles of readable code: KISS | YAGNI | DRY | BDU | Occam's razor. These principles are essential for any developer looking to write clean, maintainable, and efficient code. Don't skip this section if you want to take your coding skills to the next level.

For all you Go language enthusiasts out there, we have the perfect project for you - A Go (Golang) Backend Clean Architecture project with Gin, MongoDB, JWT Authentication Middleware, Test, and Docker. This project is a great example of how to create a scalable and robust backend architecture using Go. Plus, it includes some of the latest technologies like Gin, MongoDB, and Docker.

If you're a fan of software design patterns, then you'll love our curated list of software and architecture related design patterns. This list includes some of the most commonly used patterns in the industry, along with examples of how they can be applied.

Last but not least, we have Fetch with Typescript for better HTTP API Clients. This article dives into how to use Typescript with Fetch, a modern replacement for XMLHttpRequest, to create more robust and maintainable HTTP API clients. This is a great read for anyone looking to improve their API handling skills.

That's it for this week's newsletter! We hope you find these links to be valuable resources for your personal and professional development. Happy learning!


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Built by Dennis O'Keeffe, 2024